Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Before you choose a person to mentor you, you must be sure he is a specialist in the field you are pursuing. As stated earlier, you can not be out for money and you pick a financially struggling man who is doing well in relationship. He is also a mentor but to those who are looking for partners.

Watch out for the following qualities when you are looking for a good mentor:

1. HE MUST BE A PERSON WITH OUTSTANDING RECORD: Whatever a man does not have he can not give. Make sure the person has good record. He must be practically in the business and must be making it well. There are so many ways to know this, and I will address that in the next writeup.

2. HE MUST BE READY TO GIVE YOU HIS TIME: There is nothing good in a good mentor who does not have time for you. A good mentor enjoy having the mentee around, he enjoys listening to their questions and work hard to help them solve the questions.

3. HE MUST BE READY TO SHARE HIS PAST: There is no one who rises to fame and glory without a story. Sometime, the story may not even be very pleasing. A good mentor share both the good experience and the not-too-good ones.

4. HE MUST NOT BE OUT TO LIVE ON YOUR HARD EARN MONEY: When a mentor demand money from you all the time check out of that mentoring relationship.

5. HE MUST BE PRACTICAL IN HIS DEALINGS: A mentor who just send you theoritical materials without following it up with practical advice is not worth following.

6. HE MUST NOT LAUGH AT YOU IGNORANCE: Some mentor get tired when they notice that you are completely ignorant of the field you are trying to master. A good mentor believe in you that no matter what you are today, you can become a great instrument tomorrow.

7. HE MUST GIVE ASSIGNMENT REGULARLY AND ASK FOR FEEDBACK: Unless you do, you can never be master. A good mentor recognises this and give sufficient assignment that will make you good and must follow up by asking you for feedback. He must be ready to help where you have difficulty.

8. HE MUST BE READY TO REWARD AND TO CORRECT: Everybody loves praise. When you do it well, a good mentor praise and reward you for it. When you make mistake, he correct in love. He steps on your toes without breaking your legs.

9. HE MUST CONSTANTLY UPDATE YOU WITH NEW INFORMATION: Because he is ahead of you, he usually get to know about new things before you do. He must be ready to share such news that will help you growth.

10. THE GOAL OF A GOOD MENTOR MUST BE TO MAKE YOU A MENTOR: No good mentor want to keep a person perpetually under him. He must build you such that you will not only be able to stand on your own but be in position to help others stand.

To your success.


Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Someone said no one is born a giant, we are all born dwarfs, but when one dwarf stand on the shoulder of another, he becomes a giant in the eye of the world.

A mentor is a one time dwarf, who has got the shoulder of a reliable dwarf to stand tall and become a giant and is ready to take any willing person along with him. In other words, he is ready to stoop low for any willing dwarf to climb on him to attain success.

The process of looking for a mentor or coach in life and business falls under the following categories:

You Must Know What You Want in Life: This is what many people call vision. If what you want is money, your coach must be someone who is already "living" in money. If it is wife, he or she must be an expert in relationship. If you don't know what you want in life, you will spend your entire life pursuing other people's plans and programme. So what do you want? Money, partner, good health, job, children, peace, God or what? WRITE IT DOWN!

You must set a target of Time You Want That Thing Realized: How fast do you want it? A year, Two years, Five years or a month? If your goal has no time, then it is not achievable.

You Must Have A Compelling 'WHY' For That Thing: If anybody ask you why do you need that thing, you must have a convincing reason to give. Many are out looking for things but they don't have reason why they need what they need. The compelling reason you have is the only motivating factor for you when the going becomes difficult. It is also the motivation you have to make sacrifice.

You Must Go Out To Look for A Mentor? The next thing is to go out to look for a mentor in your desire field. There are hundred of thousands of people claiming to be expert in mentoring, but you mus be able to test and examine the record of the person you want to choose. In the next article I will give you 10 things that a good mentor must have.

To you success.


Friday, November 28, 2008

You Need A Mentor To Succeed in Home Business, I Mean It!

Life is full of very many exciting things. It is full of paradoxes, while some are making it some are losing. There are great opportunities in life and everyone is attempting one of such opportunities or the other. Opportunity to be great, wealthy, healthy, educated, famous and so on.

I know you are attempting one write now, that is possibly the reason why you are here. But let me shock you with a statement of fact: there is nothing you want to become that someone has not been before you. YES, YOU HEAR ME RIGHT. THERE IS NOTHING YOU WANT TO BECOME THAT SOMEONE HAS NOT BEEN BEFORE YOU!

Since that is correct, how will you feel if in your journey to financial freedom, you have someone who has been there to take you by the hand and show you exactly where to put your legs. Show you what to do, how to do it and even do it for you. THAT IS CORRECT, DO IT FOR YOU! Are you surprise? You should. You are wondering how can someone do your work for you? Yes, it is possible. That is exactly the reason why this blog was created.

MENTORING is all about holding people by the hand, showing them the way and helping them through without leaving them until they arrive at their comfort zone. I know you have a dream of a great financial future. I want to walk with you and get you there. You will certainly be rich. I mean very wealthy. You can be debt free and live the kind of life you've always desired. You have the potential, my job is to help you see it, help you bring it out and help you turn it into money. I mean PLENTY MONEY!

Personal mentoring is one aspect of Internet marketing that is sorely lacking. This is true because of the time that it takes to be available to help you build your business. There are sites out there that promised you anything but mentoring. As such you get enlisted with them without knowing where next to turn to - that is the missing link.

You will get personal attention you need to succeed. I promise.
